Tuesday 20 September 2016

Monday Night Raw : Seth Rollins vs. Rusev w/ Lana

The bell rings, and they circle the ring before locking up. Rusev powers him to the corner and gives a clean break. Rollins ducks a lockup and starts punching and kneeing him to the corner. Rollins punches away at him until the referee pulls him off. Rusev looks infuriated. Rusev kicks him down and stomps the head. Rusev punches him before going for a fall-away slam, but Rollins lands on his feet, boots him back, goes to the second rope, and connects with a blockbuster. Rollins then dropkicks Rusev out of the ring. Rollins gets on the apron and goes for a flying knee, but Rusev avoids it. Rusev picks him up and drives him back-first into the ring post. Rusev throws him back into the ring and clubs the back. Rusev takes him down with a scoop slam that Michael Cole refers to as a powerslam. Rusev drops an elbow for a two count. Rusev whips him hard into the corner and taunts the crowd. Rollins tries to fight him off with a right hand, but Rusev shakes it off. Rollins chops him and continues punching him until Rusev takes him down with a judo throw. Rollins rolls out of the way of a falling head-butt. Rollins chops him, but Rusev reverses a whip. Rollins kicks him in the face and charges, but Rusev puts him on the apron. Rollins forearms him back and goes to the top rope, but Rusev throws him off with one arm.
We come back from the break to see Rollins trapped in a bear hug. Rollins fights up and elbows out. Rollins hits the ropes, but Rusev avalanches him down. Rusev pulls him up, but Rollins plants on his feet and connects with an enzuigiri. Rollins pulls himself up and pulls Rusev into the turnbuckle with a reverse STO. Rollins then takes him down with a Sling Blade. Rollins sets up and connects with a pair of running forearms. Rollins goes for a suplex, but Rusev blocks it. Rollins lands on his feet, kicks him, and takes Rusev down with the falcon’s arrow for a near fall. Rollins goes for a superkick, but Rusev blocks it. Rollins ducks a roundhouse, but Rusev comes back with a knee to the midsection and a kick to the head for a near fall. Rusev screams in frustration.
A “Let’s go Rollins” chant fires up. Rusev signals for the end and goes to stomp the back, but Rollins rolls out of the way. Rollins gets on the apron. Rusev grabs him, but Rollins snaps him off the top rope and kicks him in the head. Rollins then connects with a springboard knee to the head. Rollins goes back to the top rope, but Rusev rolls out of the ring. Rollins immediately takes him out with a suicide dive. Rollins hits the ropes, but Rusev quickly gets in the ring. Rollins pulls down the top rope to get Rusev out of the ring before connecting with a second suicide dive. Rollins and Rusev fight up the ramp. The referee counts them out, and the arena groans.
Double Count-Out
Rusev punches him to the top of the stage and pulls him over to the commentary table. Rusev goes to powerbomb him through the table, but Rollins gets out and knees him in the back to knock him off the platform to the floor. Rollins then climbs on top of the commentary table and gives Rusev a cross-body block to the floor! Rollins gets back on the stage to celebrate with the crowd...

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