Wednesday 28 September 2016

WWE Clash Of Champions 2016 : Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens (c)

WWE Universal Championship Match
The bell rings, and Owens immediately gets out of the ring to play mind games. Rollins goes outside, and Owens quickly gets in. Rollins grabs his foot, but Owens punches him. Owens goes outside and punches him before having a whip into the barricade reversed on him. Rollins gets him in the ring and punches away at him before stomping him down in the corner. Rollins goes for a boot, but Owens gets out of the ring. Rollins gets on the apron and lays him out with a flying knee to the head. Rollins puts him in the ring for a one count. Rollins chops him a few times before hitting a snapmare and a running kick to the face for a two count. Rollins punches him to the corner and stomps him before chopping him. Owens chops him back, so Rollins lays in some more chops. Owens reverses a whip to the corner before running into a boot. Rollins comes off the top rope with a blockbuster for a one count. Owens goes to the apron to catch his breath and snaps Rollins off the top rope. Rollins catches him coming into the ring with a Pedigree attempt, but Owens drops him on the apron. Owens avoids a springboard knee. Rollins kicks him in the midsection and face before Owens blocks a kick and kicks him in the bad knee before hitting a DDT for a near fall. Rollins quickly gets out of the ring and grabs his knee. Owens goes outside and sends him into the barricade. Owens drives him into the ring post before putting him back into the ring. Owens punches him down and talks some trash before posing for the crowd. They trade punches before Owens reverses a whip and connects with a back elbow for a two count. Owens kicks him in the spine for a one count. Owens goes back to concentrating on the bad knee. Rollins limps around the ring as Owens kicks him in the knee. Rollins comes back with some punches and chops before sending him into the ropes. Owens holds on and gives him a back body drop over the top rope. Owens then comes off the apron with a Mick Foley diving elbow to the floor! Owens gets in the ring and taunts the crowd again. Rollins gets back in the ring before being counted out. Owens immediately hits a snapmare and flattens him with a senton splash for a near fall. Owens applies a chin lock, but Rollins fights up and punches out. Owens reverses a whip into the corner, and Rollins hits the turnbuckle hard before collapsing to the mat. Owens sends him hard into the corner again. Owens yells, “Architect? You don’t even have a foundation!” Owens kicks him and sends him hard into the corner. Rollins rolls up the turnbuckle a la Shawn Michaels before coming down and turning Owens inside out with a clothesline.
Owens gets to his feet, and they trade punches. Rollins comes back with some chops and punches before Owens sends him into the ropes. Rollins ducks a number of moves before flooring him with a Sling Blade. Rollins gets to his feet and slaps his knee before hitting a pair of running forearms in the corner. Rollins hits a reverse STO into the turnbuckle before hitting a modified backbreaker for a near fall. Rollins gets to his feet and dropkicks him out of the ring. Rollins goes outside and sends him into the barricade. Rollins sends him into the barricade once again and clears one of the commentary tables off. Owens gets in the ring and lifts Rollins. Rollins gets out, rolls through a pin, and kicks him in the face for a two count. Rollins gets to his feet and goes for a Pedigree, but Owens gets out. Rollins lands on his feet and charges, but Owens avoids him and kicks him in the back of the knee. Owens gives him a cannonball in the corner for a near fall. Owens goes for a package powerbomb, but Rollins fights out. Rollins hits a high knee, and Owens answers with a kick. Rollins then takes him out with an enzuigiri. Rollins hits a running forearm in the corner and goes for another, but Owens catches him with a clothesline. Owens goes for the cannonball, but Rollins moves. Owens avoids a springboard knee and connects with a fisherman’s suplex neckbreaker for a near fall!
Owens goes to the top rope, but Rollins cuts him off. Owens head-butts him down to the mat, but Rollins scales the ropes. Owens quickly gets him on his shoulders and hits a super gut-buster! Owens quickly goes back to the top rope and connects with the frog splash for a near fall. Rollins goes outside and is clutching at his ribs. Owens goes outside and punches him onto the commentary table. Owens pulls the top off the table next to it and stands on it. The referee yells at Owens to not do it. Owens motions for the referee to “suck it” and goes for a senton, but Rollins moves and Owens crashes and burns through the table! A “This is awesome” chant breaks out. Rollins gets him in the ring and goes to the top rope for a flying knee to the head. Rollins goes to the top rope and connects with a frog splash for a near fall.
Chris Jericho runs down and yells at Rollins. Rollins scares him off the apron, and Owens floors him with a package powerbomb for a near fall. Jericho gets on the apron to argue with the referee before telling Owens to powerbomb him. Rollins then sends Owens into Jericho before rolling him up for a two count. Rollins knees him in the face before telling him to “suck it.” Rollins then hits him with a Pedigree, but Jericho puts Owens’ foot on the bottom rope. The referee checks to see if Jericho got involved. Rollins goes outside and chases him around the ring. Rollins gets in the ring, and Owens goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Rollins gets out and accidentally takes out the referee. Rollins elbows Owens and Jericho. Owens hits a superkick and goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Rollins counters into a Pedigree. Rollins pins him, but the referee is down. The crowd is counting how long Owens is down. They get to twenty before Rollins angrily gets up. Rollins checks on the referee, and Jericho attacks him from behind. Jericho stomps away at him and clubs him. Jericho shouts that Owens is his best friend and sends Rollins into the ropes, but Rollins holds on. Rollins then gives Jericho a back body drop over the top rope. Rollins takes Jericho out with a suicide dive before getting back in the ring and taking Owens out with a suicide dive. Rollins tries to get the referee up, but he’s still unconscious. Stephanie McMahon sends another referee down. In the ring, Owens gives Rollins a Pop-up Powerbomb for the win.
Winner and still WWE Universal Champion: Kevin Owens

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