Monday 12 September 2016

WWE RAW - Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens

We go to the ring and our first comes Roman Reigns. If he wins, he gets put into the main event at Clash of Champions. WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens is out next for this non-title match.
Back from the break and Owens goes to the floor but reigns follows. Reigns goes to work on Owens and brings him back in the ring. Owens stomps away and plays to the crowd for a mixed reactions. Owens keeps control and drops Reigns with an elbow for a 2 count. Reigns fights back and kicks Owens. Owens dodges a shot and rolls to the floor for a breather. Reigns kicks Owens through the ropes and comes out. Reigns whips Owens into the barrier. Owens shoves Reigns into a barrier now. Owens rocks Reigns and goes back in the ring. Reigns follows and nails a right hand. Owens comes back and clubs Reigns from behind. Owens with the senton for a 2 count.
Owens keeps control and has Reigns grounded now. Reigns manages to fight up and slam Owens. Reigns looks to make a comeback now. Owens rolls to the floor but Reigns follows. Owens counters and sends Reigns flying into the ring post. Reigns goes down and Owens returns to the ring as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Owens has Reigns in a headlock for several minutes. Reigns fights up and out but runs into the ring post as Owens moves. Reigns goes to the floor and Owens sends him into the barrier, then the steel steps. Owens poses on the ramp but is attacked from behind by Seth Rollins. The bell rings.
Winner by DQ: Kevin Owens
- After the bell, Rollins continues beating on Owens at ringside. Officials, including Fit Finlay and Adam Pearce, come out to break it up. Foley gets in Rollins' face and he's furious. Foley says now they've got to talk backstage. Foley orders the match to be re-started. Owens goes to work on Reigns and sends him back into the steps. Owens brings it back in the ring now.
Owens and Reigns trade shots in the middle of the ring now. Reigns levels Owens. Reigns with big shots in the corner as fans count along. Owens ducks a big boot. Reigns catches a superkick and hits a Samoan Drop for a 2 count. More back and forth. Reigns takes Owens up for a superplex but Owens fights him. Owens bites Reigns under his arm but the referee doesn't see it. Reigns jumps up and stops a Frogsplash. Reigns climbs back up for a superplex but Owens counters and drives Reigns to the mat for a close 2 count.
Owens goes to the top for the Frogsplash and hits it for a 2 count. Owens with a kick and some trash talking, telling Reigns to stay down. Reigns gets upset and rocks Owens. Owens nails a superkick. Owens mocks Reigns and misses the corner cannonball. Reigns calls for the spear but runs into a knee. Reigns nails a Superman punch for a close 2 count. They go back to the floor and Reigns nails a Drive By. They come back in and Owens connects with two kicks. Owens hits the corner cannonball and another. Reigns blocks the pop-up powerbomb and rolls Owens up, turning that into a sitdown powerbomb for a close 2 count. WWE United States Champion Rusev runs down to the apron but Reigns nails a Superman punch. Owens takes advantage and hits the pop-up powerbomb for the win.

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