Wednesday 28 September 2016

WWE Clash of Champions 2016 : Roman Reigns vs. Rusev (c) w/ Lana

WWE United States Championship Match
The bell rings, and they circle the ring. Rusev looks disgusted with Reigns. They lock up and tussle around for position. Rusev releases the lock up and kicks him. Reigns punches him and sends him out of the ring. Rusev runs in, but Reigns punches him back out of the ring. Rusev angrily gathers himself before getting back into the ring. They circle the ring, and Reigns punches away at him. Rusev quickly floors him with a wheel kick for a two count. Rusev pins him again for a two count. Rusev punches and kicks him down before mounting him and punching away at him for a two count. Rusev quickly kicks away at him and chokes him on the middle rope before taking him down by sending him into the corner. Reigns pulls himself up on Rusev. Rusev sends him hard into the corner again. A “Let’s go Roman/Roman sucks” chant breaks out. Rusev sizes him up and punches him down. Rusev lets him up again and punches him back down. Rusev knees him in the ribs a few times, but Reigns comes back with a clothesline. Reigns gives him a back elbow and connects with a clothesline. Rusev reverses a whip, but Reigns takes him down with a leaping clothesline. The boo-birds are coming out. Rusev quickly stops his momentum by sending him into the ring post. Rusev drives him into the barricade before getting back in the ring to break the referee’s count. Reigns comes back with some punches before putting him in the ring. A “CM Punk” chant breaks out. Rusev gets out of the ring. Reigns follows him out, and Rusev soon sends him into the ring steps. Rusev gets him in the ring for a two count. Rusev covers again for a two count. Rusev applies a chin lock, but Reigns fights up. Rusev takes him down before hitting a falling head-butt. Rusev stares down at Reigns before sending him to the corner. Reigns boots him in the face before hitting the ropes, but Rusev dropkicks him down. Rusev goes to the top rope for a diving head-butt, but Reigns rolls out of the way. Reigns then catches him with a Samoan Drop for a two count.
Reigns starts clubbing away at Rusev in the corner before hitting the ropes to hit him before clotheslining him over the top rope. Reigns follows him outside and sends him into the barricade. Reigns then sends him into the steel steps. Reigns gets him into the ring and sets up for a Superman Punch, but Rusev kicks him. Rusev punches away at him before Reigns runs him over with a back elbow. Rusev quickly drops him onto the top rope for a two count. Rusev kicks Reigns in the head for another two count. Rusev looks frustrated with his inability to put Reigns away. Rusev signals for something and charges, but Reigns floors him with a Superman Punch. The crowd starts booing as Reigns sets up in the corner. Lana gets on the apron to distract him. Rusev superkicks Reigns for a near fall. Rusev throws a tantrum while arguing with the referee. Rusev signals for the Accolade and stomps the back three times. Rusev goes for the Accolade, but Reigns fights it. Reigns immediately floors him with a Spear, but Lana pulls the referee out of the ring! The referee yells at Lana before ejecting her from ringside to a big pop. Rusev is stunned. Reigns rolls Rusev up for a near fall. Rusev counters a Superman Punch, but Reigns comes right back by sending him out of the ring. Reigns punches him before hitting a Drive By Dropkick on the apron. Reigns then hits a Drive By off the Spanish Commentary Table. Reigns gets him in the ring before going for the Spear, but Rusev superkicks him for a near fall. Rusev immediately transitions into the Accolade. The crowd is really into this match now. Reigns fights up with Rusev on his back as the crowd boos. Rusev rakes the eyes and talks some trash before kicking him. Rusev charges, but Reigns Spears him down for the win.

Winner and new WWE United States Champion: Roman Reigns

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