Wednesday 21 September 2016

WWE Smackdown Live : Randy Orton vs. Erick Rowan

Orton goes for an RKO early and Rowan counters with a spinning powerslam. Rowan with right hands and drops a series of elbows over Orton. Orton with kicks to Rowan from the corner. Rowan with a headbutt to Orton. Rowan catches Orton with a dropkick as Orton came off the ropes. Orton rolls out of the ring to regain his composure. Rowan sends Orton face first into the steel ring steps twice and then back inside the ring. Orton catches Rowan with a kick to the face through the ropes and then connects with his DDT off the ropes. Orton is firing up for the finish. Orton with an RKO and hooks the leg to get the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

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