Monday 12 September 2016

WWE RAW - Jinder Mahal vs. Jack Swagger

Back to the ring and out comes Jinder Mahal. He cuts a promo on how he found inner peace and learn to let go of hatred and rage while he was away from WWE. He wants to share peace with the WWE Universe. Jack Swagger is out next to a pop.

The bell rings and Jinder drops to his knees in peace but he just suckers Swagger in for a cheap shot. Mahal beats Swagger down and unloads. Mahal keeps control until Swagger goes to the floor for a breather and he follows. Swagger fights back and brings it back in the ring but Mahal kicks him. Mahal with a running knee for a 2 count. Mahal keeps control and has Swagger grounded now. Swagger manages a big backdrop. Jinder misses in the corner and Swagger starts making a comeback. Swagger slams Jinder and runs the ropes but misses a clothesline. Jinder runs into an elbow. Swagger drops Jinder and goes for a Swagger Bomb but it's blocked. Jinder drops Swagger for the win.

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