Thursday 29 September 2016

WWE Smackdown Live: Eight Man Tag Team Match Heath Slater, Rhyno and American Alpha vs. The Usos and The Ascension

We start with Jason Jordan and Jimmy Uso. Jordan with takedowns on Jimmy. Chad Gable tags himself in. Jordan drops Jimmy down and Gable works over the left arm of Jimmy. Gable with a big takedown on Jimmy and tags Jordan back in. Jimmy with a right hand and chop to Jordan. Jordan catches Jimmy with an elbow. Jordan with a double leg takedown on Jimmy and keeps him grounded working over the left arm. Tag to Jey Uso. Jordan flips out of a double arm drag attempt. Gable is in. Double monkey flips by Alpha on the Usos. Gable with an armbar over the top rope on Jey. Gable with shots to Jimmy on the outside. Jey with a chop block to the bad knee/leg of Gable on the outside.
We return live with Jimmy working over Gable back inside the ring. Jimmy misses a shot in the corner. Gable tosses both members of the Ascension out of the ring who jump in trying to cut off a hot tag. Jimmy is holding Gable back. The Ascension pull Jordan off the ring apron. Rhyno with a dive on Konnor and then a shot on Viktor. Both Jimmy and Gable collide and are down. The crowd is begging for a Heath Slater hot tag. Hot tag to Slater! Slater with shots to both Usos. Slater with left jabs to Jey and then a running high knee. Leg lariat by Slater on Viktor and a neckbreaker on Jey. Konnor breaks it up. Gable with a forearm on Konnor and Rhyno catches him with a belly-to-belly. Viktor with a leaping uppercut on Rhyno. Jordan clotheslines Viktor out. Jimmy with a superkick to Slater when he tagged himself in. Jey follows it up with a jumping dropkick to the knee of Slater. Jimmy locks up the legs of Slater in a half Boston Crab submission. Slater taps.

Winners: The Usos and The Ascension

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