Wednesday 21 September 2016

WWE Smackdown Live : WWE Intercontinental Championship Match The Miz (c) w/ Maryse vs. Dolph Ziggler

We get introductions for the challenger Dolph Ziggler and champion The Miz.
Ziggler with a single leg takedown early on Miz. Ziggler takes the back of Miz and Miz grabs the ropes to break it up. Ziggler with a waistlock takedown and Miz rolls out. Ziggler chases him down. Miz tries to drop an elbow and Ziggler avoids getting another rear naked choke attempt on Miz. Miz pulls himself out through the ropes. Ziggler catches Miz with a clothesline on the outside. Miz with a dropkick that sends Ziggler flying off the ring apron to the outside. Miz sends Ziggler shoulder first into the ring barricade. Miz tosses Ziggler back inside the ring, goes up top and catches Ziggler with a double axe handle off. Miz mocks Daniel Bryan connecting with kicks to the chest of Ziggler. Ziggler blocks a big kick and drops Miz with a big right hand. Miz side steps Ziggler sending him shoulder first into the corner steel ring post. Ziggler with elbows fighting off Miz. Ziggler with clotheslines and a corner splash on Miz. Miz then sends Ziggler shoulder first into the corner. Miz catches Ziggler with two corner dropkicks. Miz connects with his clothesline in the corner, tosses Ziggler aside and goes up to the top rope. Ziggler catches Miz with a dropkick on the way down. Ziggler with a spike DDT on Miz for a two count. Miz dumps Ziggler out.
We return live as Ziggler is attempting a superplex on Miz. Miz breaks it up. Miz attempts a sunset flip, but Ziggler hangs on. Miz is able to pull Ziggler off the corner, bounces him off the top rope and connects with a sitdown powerbomb for a two count. Ziggler counters a Figure Four attempt by Miz into a rear naked choke. Miz is able to get to the bottom rope to break it up and level Ziggler with a big boot. Ziggler with a Fameasser for a two count on Miz. Miz fights off a Zig Zag holding onto the ropes. Ziggler with an elbow to Miz. Maryse is walking up the steel steps and has hairspray in her hand. The referee sees it, cuts her off and sends Maryse to the back. Two roll up attempts by both. Both Miz and Ziggler kick out. Ziggler with a Zig Zag on Miz and Miz kicks out! Ziggler can’t believe it. Miz falls to the outside. He grabs the Intercontinental Championship and starts leaving. Ziggler cuts him off at ringside and tosses him shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Miz is still holding the title as Ziggler tosses him back in. The referee clears the ring of the title. While the referee is distracted, Miz sprays the hairspray in the face of Ziggler, tosses it out and hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz gets the pinfall on Ziggler to retain his title.

Winner and still WWE Intercontinental Champion: The Miz

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