Wednesday 28 September 2016

WWE Monday Night Raw : T.J. Perkins vs. Tony Nese

Before the match, a highlight package is shown for Tony Nese.
They shake hands before the bell rings. They circle the ring and lock up. Nese powers him to the corner and throws him across the ring. Nese takes him down with a waistlock before wrenching the arm. Perkins twists out and goes for a head-scissor, but Nese does a cartwheel and lands on his feet. Perkins ducks a clothesline, but Nese runs him over with a shoulder block. Nese powers him up for a suplex, but Perkins lands on his feet. Perkins quickly takes him down for a Knee Bar, but Nese quickly gets to the bottom rope. Nese gets out of the ring. Perkins gets on the apron, and Nese pulls him off. Perkins puts Nese on the apron, but Nese does a cartwheel and superkicks him. Nese takes him out with a Fosbury Flop and lands on his feet! Nese puts him in the ring for a two count.
We come back from the break to see Perkins fight up from a chin lock before applying an octopus stretch. Nese counters with an inverted gutwrench suplex for a two count. Nese punches away at him and chops the chest. The crowd appears distracted by something happening off camera. Nese sends Perkins hard into the corner, but Perkins comes back with a running hurricanrana. Perkins hits an inverted atomic drop and follows up with a spin kick. Nese reverses a whip to the corner, but Perkins comes back with a neckbreaker. A “CM Punk” chant breaks out. Perkins connects with a double chickenwing into a double knee gut-buster for a near fall. Perkins connects with a suplex followed by a back suplex. Perkins goes to the top rope, but Nese cuts him off. Perkins fights him off and boots him back. Perkins goes for a tornado DDT, but Nese stops the momentum, hangs him on the top rope, and knees him in the head for a two count. Nese goes for a pump-handle slam, but Perkins gets out and dropkicks him into the ropes. Perkins connects with a Wrecking Ball dropkick. Perkins follows up with the Detonation Kick and applies the Knee Bar for the win.

Winner by Submission: T.J. Perkins

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