Monday 12 September 2016

Sami Zayn on The Highlight Reel

Back from the break and out comes Chris Jericho for the Highlight Reel. He praises WWE Universal Champion and best friend Kevin Owens, saying Tom Cruise will probably play him in the movie about his life. Jericho says Foley pulled Owens from his show tonight so he went and got Owens' ex-best friend. Jericho calls Sami the lowest of the low and introduces him. Out comes Sami.

The segment is words between Sami and Jericho, who starts in as soon as Sami hits the ring. Sami ends up calling Jericho nothing but Owens' b---h. Jericho finally nails Sami and drops him with a Codebreaker. Jericho walks off.

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