Wednesday 14 September 2016

John Cena and Dean Ambrose VS AJ Styles and The Miz (replacing James Ellsworth)

AJ Styles makes his way to the ring first followed by James Ellsworth who gets savagely attacked by The Miz on the ramp. The Miz forces Ellsworth to look into the camera while he sends a message to Daniel Bryan. He then delivers a Skull Crushing Finale on the ramp before throwing James Ellsworth aside and making his way to the ring.

It looks like this one will be AJ Styles and The Miz vs John Cena and Dean Ambrose.

The Miz and John Cena kick us off and The Miz looks like he's on fire. We haven't seen this vicious side of Miz often as The Miz delivers a devastating DDT on John Cena. John Cena is sent reeling to the corner and AJ Styles delivers and enzeguiri from the apron.

Miz misses a trademark jumping corner which allows Cena to tag Ambrose in. Ambrose is all over Styles and delivers a swinging backbreaker and a top rope elbow drop for the 2 count.

Ambrose goes for a clothesline but Styles ducks and delivers a Pelle Kick as we head into a commercial break.

Ambrose and Miz are going at it as we come back from the commercial break. Miz delivers a double axehandle from the top rope as the frustration is clear on Cena's face. Miz tags Styles in who delivers a cheap shot to Cena immediately.

Miz chokes Ambrose in the corner as the referee is distracted by an irate Cena. Ambrose tries to go for a comeback with a few chops in the corner but Styles kicks him away.

Styles goes for his patented strike combo but Ambrose counters with a swinging neckbreaker and tags Cena in as Styles tags the Miz. Cena delivers a Five Knuckle Shuffle to the Miz followed by Ambrose taking out Styles with a tope suicida.

Cena delivers an Attitude Adjustment to The Miz and covers him....1-2-3!

John Cena and Dean Ambrose def. AJ Styles and The Miz

As John Cena celebrates, Dean Ambrose kicks him in the gut and delivers a Dirty Deeds to the 15-time world champion, sending a message ahead of No Mercy.

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