Wednesday 28 September 2016

WWE Monday Night Raw : The New Day (c’s) vs. Gallows and Anderson

RAW Tag Team Championships Match
The New Day (c’s) vs. Gallows and Anderson
We join the match in progress. Karl Anderson sends Kofi Kingston into the ropes, but Kingston dropkicks him down. Kingston and Big E represent The New Day. Kingston baseball slides Luke Gallows down before he attacks Big E. Anderson goes over the top rope, but Kingston punches him. Kingston gets in the ring, ducks a clothesline, and kicks him down. The New Day starts the unicorn stampede before Gallows pulls Big E off the apron and boots him down. Anderson then knocks Kingston over the top rope. Gallows then turns Kingston inside out with a clothesline on the floor! Anderson goes outside and sizes Kingston up before laying him out with a running boot. Anderson puts him in the ring for a two count. Gallows is tagged in, and he clubs away at Kingston before giving him an uppercut. Gallows charges, but Kingston boots him in the face. Gallows stops him from making a tag and sends him into the ropes, but Kingston springboards off the ropes. Gallows counters him by giving him a chokeslam for a near fall.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Kingston try to tag Big E, but Anderson stops him. Anderson takes him down with a running sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Gallows is tagged in, and he throws Kingston to the corner before punching him and connecting with a big kick. Gallows comes off the second rope and eats a boot. Anderson quickly tags in, but Kingston avoids a head-butt.
Big E is tagged in, and he hits Anderson with a pair of belly-to-belly overhead suplexes before hitting a belly-to-belly side suplex. Big E gyrates before clotheslining Gallows out of the ring. Kingston then clotheslines Gallows on the floor. Anderson quickly rolls Big E up for a two count. Big E sends Anderson into the corner and charges, but Anderson sidesteps him and Big E hits the ring post shoulder first. Anderson takes him down with a running boot for a near fall. Anderson sizes him up and charges, but Big E sends him to the apron. Big E then takes him out with a suicide dive spear. Big E gets Anderson in the ring and tags in Kingston. Xavier Woods plays “Taps” as they hit the Midnight Hour, but Gallows breaks it up. Gallows goes for a two-handed chokeslam, but Kingston kicks him out of the ring. Kingston gets the crowd going, but Anderson gets out of the ring. Big E is tagged in, and Kingston picks up a head of steam, but Gallows pulls him out of the ring and sends him into the steps. Anderson then kicks Big E in the back of the head before coming off the second rope with a flying neckbreaker. Gallows is tagged in, and they hit Big E with the Magic Killer, but Kingston breaks up the pin! Gallows throws Kingston out of the ring and kicks Woods in the head at ringside. Anderson is tagged back in, and he sizes up Big E. Big E tags in Kingston, who is absolutely busted wide open. Kingston springboards off the top rope, but Anderson catches him. Kingston comes back with a DDT before throwing Gallows out of the ring. Kingston then hits Anderson with Trouble in Paradise for the win. The New Day’s Tag Team Title reign will surpass 400 days.
Winners and still RAW Tag Team Champions: The New Day

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