Wednesday 28 September 2016

WWE Clash of Champions 2016 : Bayley vs. Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte (c) w/ Dana Brooke

RAW Women’s Championship Match

The bell rings, and Sasha immediately goes for Charlotte. They brawl to the outside before Bayley wipes them out with a baseball slide. Bayley puts Charlotte in the ring and picks up a pair of one counts. Sasha gets back in the ring and goes right for Charlotte. Bayley pulls Sasha back, and they have words. Sasha talks a little trash before Bayley sends her into the ropes. Charlotte quickly pulls Sasha down by the hair and gets in the ring. Bayley wrenches Charlotte’s arm before being sent to the corner. Bayley takes her down with an arm drag. Charlotte comes in, and all three women go for a dropkick. They stare at each other in a stalemate. Charlotte goes for a double clothesline, but they duck it and take her down. Charlotte quickly comes back with a slap. Sasha gets out of a body slam and goes for a head-scissor, but Charlotte takes her down and kips up. Charlotte goes to the top rope, but Sasha crotches her and ties her up in the tree of woe before hitting a double knee. Bayley comes back with a suplex on Sasha before elbowing Charlotte for a near fall. Charlotte rolls out of the ring to recover.
Sasha kicks Bayley and sends her to the apron. Bayley shoulders her in the midsection and snaps her off the middle rope. Dana Brooke takes Bayley down at ringside and sends her into the barricade. There are no disqualifications. In the ring, Charlotte kicks Sasha into the turnbuckle and targets the recently healed back. Charlotte applies a surfboard stretch before releasing it to knock Bayley off the apron. Charlotte sends her hard into the corner and continues to target the back. Charlotte rips the tape off Sasha’s back. Sasha kicks back at her, but Charlotte comes back by going outside and twisting Sasha around the ring post. Charlotte releases the hold to take Bayley down with a forearm smash. Charlotte gets in the ring, and Sasha punches back before giving her a head-scissor takeover. Charlotte charges, but Sasha gives her a drop-toe-hold into the turnbuckle. Sasha hits a pair of flying forearms and a dropkick. Sasha blocks a superkick and goes for the Bank Statement, but Charlotte fights it. Bayley then takes them both out with a missile dropkick. Bayley hits them both with running back elbows and knees in the corner. Sasha sidesteps her, lays her against the ropes, and pulls Charlotte’s head into Bayley’s midsection. Sasha then lays Charlotte over the turnbuckle and gives them both the double knees. Charlotte kicks away at Bayley at ringside before Sasha takes her out with flying knees. They trade blows at ringside before Sasha throws her into the ring. Dana was knocked down as well. Charlotte quickly floors her with a backbreaker/slam combo. Charlotte goes for the Figure Eight, but Sasha kicks her into Bayley, who pins her with the Bayley-To-Belly, but Sasha breaks it up. Sasha covers Bayley, but Charlotte breaks it up. All three women are down.
Charlotte chops them both from her knees. Sasha and Bayley punch away at Charlotte before picking her up and sending her into the ropes. Charlotte kicks Sasha in the face before sending Bayley into the turnbuckle. Sasha comes back with some chops to Charlotte before putting her on the top rope. Sasha goes for a superplex, but Charlotte counters with a front superplex. Bayley charges, but Charlotte knees her. They fall off the top rope, so Charlotte quickly comes back with a body slam. Bayley and Sasha are lying next to each other. Charlotte then hits them both with a single moonsault! Charlotte picks Sasha for a near fall. She tries Bayley for the same result. Charlotte hits Bayley with Natural Selection. Sasha interrupts this with the Bank Statement, but Dana Brooke runs in to break it up. Bayley rolls Sasha up, but Sasha rolls through for a two count. Sasha powers Bayley to the corner, but Bayley comes back with a back elbow. Charlotte knocks Bayley off the ropes and rolls Sasha up with her feet on the ropes for a near fall. Sasha comes back with the Bank Statement. Dana gets on the apron, but Sasha kicks her off. Charlotte nearly taps, but Bayley breaks up the hold. Sasha comes back with a Bank Statement on Bayley, but Charlotte breaks it up. Charlotte dropkicks Sasha out of the ring before telling the cameraman to move. Charlotte sends Sasha into the barricade. Dana talks a little trash to Sasha. Charlotte gets back in the ring, but Bayley surprises her with an inside cradle for a two count. Bayley goes for a sunset flip, but Sasha holds Charlotte up. Charlotte big boots Bayley into Sasha to knock her to the floor before hitting a second big boot. Charlotte then pins Bayley for the win.

Winner and still RAW Women’s Champion: Charlotte

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