Thursday 22 September 2016

United States Champion Rusev vs. Roman Reigns (25 Sept)

After several months of false starts, controversies and straight-up raucous brawls, Roman Reigns will get his chance to tear Rusev’s stranglehold on the United States Championship at Raw’s first exclusive pay-per-view, WWE Clash of Champions.
Some began to wonder if Reigns and Rusev would ever actually arrive at this championship encounter after the tumultuous ride they have been on since the middle of the summer. Wedding celebrations have been ruined, hard-hitting non-title affairs have taken place and blindside attacks have been waged, most notably at SummerSlam when The Big Dog pulverized The Super Athlete before the bell could ring for their scheduled championship match.
However, Rusev returned the favor several weeks later on Raw when he viciously ambushed Reigns, leaving him lying and making a firm statement in the process. All of this led to Raw General Manager Mick Foley finally pitting the two against one another at WWE Clash of Champions and personally promising that no one would stop the two from reaching a decision on Sunday.

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