Tuesday 20 September 2016

#1 Contender’s Match for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship Rich Swann vs. Gran Metalik vs. Cedric Alexander vs. Brian Kendrick

The bell rings, and Brian Kendrick gets out of the ring and tells them to fight it out. Cedric Alexander attacks and rolls up Rich Swann, but Kendrick breaks it up. Gran Metalik superkicks Alexander. Swann attacks Metalik and sends him into the ropes, Metalik does a handspring into the ropes and lands on his feet. Metalik sidesteps Swann, and Swann does a flip and sticks the landing to avoid a monkey flip, and dropkicks him down. Kendrick runs in and delivers a back elbow to Swann to get him out of the ring. Kendrick forearms Metalik before eating an elbow from Alexander. Alexander chops the chest before sending him into the ropes, but Kendrick gets out of the ring. Alexander baseball slides him down and gives Metalik a sunset flip for a two count. Alexander kicks Metalik in the head and takes him down. Alexander chops the chest and sends him into the ropes, but he quickly comes back with a springboard back elbow. Metalik runs into a boot, and Alexander takes him down with a flying clothesline. Swann runs in and kicks Alexander. Swann connects with a snapmare and kicks him in the spine. Kendrick runs in, but Swann quickly throws him out. Swann applies a modified dragon sleeper, but Alexander fights up. Alexander chops him, but Swann chops him right back. They stand in the ring and trade chops to see who is tougher. They duck kicks. Swann goes for a head-scissor, but Alexander flips and lands on his feet! Swann then floors him with a right hand. Swann chops the chest and sends him to the corner, but Alexander avoids him and does a backflip into a head-scissor takeover! Swann flies out of the ring. Metalik runs in and chops Alexander. Alexander hits the ropes and takes Kendrick out with a flipping plancha and sticks the landing! Swann and Alexander fight at ringside before Metalik takes all three out with a Brillo Dorado!
Metalik gets Alexander back in the ring and goes for a springboard, but Kendrick pulls his legs out from under him. Kendrick gets on the apron and shoulders Alexander back. Swann pulls Kendrick down and punches him. Kendrick comes back by sending Swann into the barricade before sending him into the steps. Kendrick kicks Metalik before wedging Swann’s foot into the hand hole of the steps. Kendrick then kicks him in the head.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Kendrick applying a head-scissor to Alexander. Metalik springboards off the top rope an elbow drop on Kendrick! Metalik covers Kendrick, but Swann breaks it up. Swann grabs Metalik, but Metalik walks the ropes and dropkicks him down. Metalik connects with a standing shooting star press for a two count. Metalik goes to the top rope for a moonsault, but Swann gets the boots up. Swann connects with a tiger bomb into a jackknife cover, but Alexander breaks it up! Alexander grabs Swann and punches him in the face. Alexander sends him into the ropes, but Swann gets a waistlock. Alexander elbows out and connects with a springboard enzuigiri for a near fall.
A “This is awesome” chant breaks out. Alexander punches Kendrick, but Kendrick eventually gets him out of the ring. Kendrick goes for Sliced Bread #2 on Swann, but Metalik grabs him mid-air. Kendrick quickly counters into a DDT for a near fall. Kendrick sets up for the Bully Choke, but Alexander knees him in the face. Swann then kicks Alexander down. Swann gets himself pumped up and connects with a standing 450 splash, but Kendrick breaks it up. Kendrick applies the Bully Choke, now known as the Captain’s Hook, on Alexander, but Metalik breaks it up. Metalik picks up Alexander and gets shoved into Swann. Alexander then gives Metalik the Lumbar Check, a back suplex into a double knee backbreaker. Kendrick quickly runs in and applies the Captain’s Hook on Alexander for the submission victory!
Winner by Submission: Brian Kendrick

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