Wednesday 28 September 2016

WWE Clash Of Champions 2016 : The New Day (c) vs. Gallows and Anderson

The bell rings, and Luke Gallows clotheslines Big E at ringside. Karl Anderson floors Kofi Kingston with a running Liger Bomb for a near fall. Outside, Gallows sends Xavier Woods into the ring post and slams Francesca II down. Anderson punches away at Kingston before tagging Gallows in. Gallows beats Kingston down, but Kingston eventually gets the advantage. Big E is tagged in, and he runs over Anderson with some belly-to-belly suplexes and a big splash. Big E starts rhythmically clapping. Anderson gets away, but Big E sends him to the apron. Big E goes for a suicide dive spear, but Anderson knees him in the head. Anderson charges, but Big E slams him down for a two count. Anderson gets to his feet and takes him down with a running boot for a two count. Anderson gets Big E on his feet and kicks him in the face. Gallows blind tags in and big boots Big E down. They connect with the Boot of Doom, but Kingston breaks up the pin. Gallows gets Kingston out of the ring. Anderson charges Big E, but he sends him over the top rope. Kingston is tagged in, and he springboards off the top rope into a spinebuster from Anderson for a near fall! Gallows tags in. Kingston goes for the SOS, but Gallows blocks it and gives him a chokeslam. Gallows superkicks Big E and tags in Anderson. They go for the Magic Killer, but Kingston fights out. Kingston avoids a running shoulder, and Gallows hits the ring post shoulder first. Big E blind tags in. Kingston hits Anderson with Trouble in Paradise. Big E follows up with a Big Ending, but Gallows pulls him out of the ring. Big E sends Gallows into the ring steps. Kingston then wipes out Gallows with a tope. Woods hits Anderson with Francesca II while the referee was distracted. The New Day hits Anderson with the Midnight Hour for the win.

Winners and still RAW Tag Team Champions: The New Day

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