Wednesday 21 September 2016

WWE Smackdown Live : John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose

Headlock takedown early by Ambrose on Cena. Ambrose with a shoulder tackle on Cena. Cena with a shoulder tackle of his own. Ambrose fights off an early AA. Cena fights off an early Dirty Deeds. Cena with a headlock takedown of his own on Ambrose. Cena hits the corner ring post with force. Cena falls to the outside as we head to a break.
We return live as Ambrose levels Cena with a jumping clothesline off the ropes. Ambrose is firing himself up catching Cena with a shot in the corner followed by a running bulldog. Cena counters a Dirty Deeds attempt into an STF. Ambrose crawls and gets the bottom rope. Ambrose dumps Cena out of the ring through the ropes. Ambrose with a suicide dive through the ropes catching Cena on the outside. Cena counters a cross body by Ambrose off the top rope catching him and connecting with an AA. Ambrose kicks out! Cena goes for another AAA and Ambrose counters with Dirty Deeds on Cena. Cena kicks out. Ambrose and Cena exchange shots. Cena has Ambrose back up. Ambrose counters into a roll up locking the wrist and gets the pinfall on Cena. Cena rolls out and can’t believe it.

Winner: Dean Ambrose
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