Monday 12 September 2016

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston

Back from the break and Kofi is going at it with Anderson as Big E looks on. Kofi nails a dropkick for a 2 count. Woods comes in and takes control. Kofi tags back in for some double teaming. Kofi comes off the top with a stomp for a 2 count.

Gallows and Anderson take control after Gallows come in. They beat on Kofi for a while until Woods gets a hot tag and unloads on Anderson. Gallows tries to come in but Woods nails a knee. Woods with the rolling clothesline for a 2 count on Anderson. Anderson blocks a suplex and trades shots with Woods now. Woods unloads but eats an uppercut. Woods nails a nice DDT and goes to the top. Woods nails a big elbow drop but Gallows breaks the pin. Kofi springboards in but Gallows kicks him out of the air. Woods superkicks Gallows' knee. Anderson takes out Woods. They hit Magic Killer on Woods for the non-title win.

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