Thursday 29 September 2016

WWE Smackdown Live: Natalya and Carmella vs. Nikki Bella and Naomi

We start with Naomi and Carmella. Naomi with a quick headlock takedown. Carmella mocks Nikki doing her dance. Naomi with a drop toe hold and smacks Carmella. Naomi kicks Carmella away in the corner. Naomi with a dropkick on Carmella and tags in Nikki. Nikki with a jawbreaker to the knee. Carmella bails and Natalya checks on her at ringside.
We are back live and Natalya hits a Michinoku Driver on Naomi on the outside. Back inside, Carmella gets the tag and Carmella and Natayla double team Naomi. Carmella locks up the head of Naomi on the middle rope. Carmella mocks Nikki and Natalya gets in a cheap shot. Naomi with a small package on Carmella for a two count. Carmella sends Naomi to the corner face first, charges and connects with a modified Bronco Buster. Tag to Natalya as they both hit a double northern lights suplex. Natalya gets a two count on Naomi. Naomi with a roll up on Natalya for a two count. Natalya cuts off a hot tag to Nikki. Natalya with knees to Naomi in the corner. Naomi with an elbow to Carmella. Natalya with a dropkick to the face of Naomi. Hot tag to Nikki. Nikki with a huge shoulder tackle on Natalya and follows that up with a kick to the head. Nikki with a corner clotheslines and then a springboard kick to the head. Carmella with a shot to the lower back of Nikki. Tag to Carmella. Nikki tosses Carmella inside the ring over the top rope. Nikki has Carmella up. Carmella rakes the eyes, kicks Naomi off the ring apron and Nikki sends Carmella to the corner. Nikki with a forearm to Natalya. Carmella with a takedown into a pinfall for the win.

Winners: Natalya and Carmella

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