Tuesday 20 September 2016

Best of 7 Series – Match #6 Cesaro vs Sheamus

Cesaro must win this match or the series is over. A replay is shown of Cesaro squeaking out a win against Sheamus using the ropes for help. An interview with Sheamus is shown from earlier in the day. Sheamus says he’s not feeling any pressure. Cesaro cheated last week, which is why he lost. Sheamus says Cesaro may think he’s great, but he comes up short in his matches. Sheamus says he’ll beat Cesaro and go on to his championship opportunity.
The bell rings, and Sheamus quickly kicks him to the corner and clubs away at him. Sheamus connects with a suplex for a one count. Sheamus hits him with a backbreaker for a one count. Sheamus clubs him in the back until Cesaro comes back with some uppercuts. Sheamus kicks him away and sends him into the ropes, but Cesaro kicks him in the face. Sheamus goes for a powerslam, but Cesaro lands on his feet and goes for a Neutralizer. Sheamus fights out and gives him a back body drop, but Cesaro lands on his feet. Sheamus hits the ropes, but Cesaro uppercuts him down for a two count. Cesaro goes for the Cesaro Swing, but Sheamus grabs the ropes. Sheamus kicks him over the top rope. Mick Foley is seen watching the match backstage.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Sheamus trying to give Cesaro a rolling senton off the second rope, but Cesaro fights out and dropkicks him off the turnbuckle and to the floor. Cesaro then gives him a running uppercut over the barricade. Cesaro grabs him and sends him headfirst into the ring post. Cesaro gets him in the ring and connects with a springboard spinning uppercut for a near fall. Sheamus rolls to the apron to recover. Cesaro grabs him and goes for a deadlift superplex, but his back is too injured. Sheamus pulls him down and gives him White Noise on the apron! Sheamus gets him into the ring and picks up a near fall. Sheamus cannot believe it.
Sheamus sets up for a Brogue Kick, but Cesaro ducks and rolls him up for a two count. Cesaro goes for a Sharpshooter, but Sheamus gets out and connects with an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a near fall. Sheamus follows up with a Celtic Cross backbreaker for a near fall! Sheamus quickly goes to the Cloverleaf, but Cesaro catches him with an inside cradle for a two count. Cesaro flips through an Irish Curse and uppercuts him. Sheamus sidesteps him and rolls him up with his feet on the ropes, but the referee catches him. Sheamus argues with the referee. Cesaro uppercuts him and goes for the Neutralizer, but Sheamus counters with a back body drop. Cesaro avoids a Brogue Kick, and Sheamus gets hung up on the top rope. Sheamus goes for a battering ram, but Cesaro uppercuts him. Cesaro quickly follows up with the Neutralizer for the win! The series is tied!
Winner by Pinfall: Cesaro

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