Wednesday 21 September 2016

WWE Smackdown Live : Apollo Crews vs. Baron Corbin

Footage is shown from last week of Corbin attacking Crews before the match including an End of Days to Crews on the outside of the ring. Jack Swagger then confronted Corbin.
Crews with right hands to Corbin early and follows with a jumping big boot. Crews with a quick fallaway slam. Corbin quickly rolls out to recover. Crews with elbows to Corbin on the outside. Crews tosses Corbin back first into the ring barricade as the referee continues the count. Crews with a kick to the back of Corbin’s head. Crews tosses Corbin in for a two count. Corbin tosses Crews out and throws nasty looking forearms to the side of the head of Crews over the barricade. Corbin puts Crews against the steel ring posts and stomps away. Corbin with a dropkick to the ribs of Crews in the corner sending Crews into the ring post. Corbin with End of Days on Crews, hooks the leg and gets the pinfall.

Winner: Baron Corbin

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