Tuesday 20 September 2016

WWE RAW : Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Charlotte and Dana Brooke

Sasha Banks will start the match against Charlotte, but Charlotte immediately tags out. Sasha’s midsection is taped up. They lock up, and Dana applies a waistlock. Sasha gets out of it and applies a side headlock. Dana whips her off, but Sasha shoulder blocks her down for a two count. Bayley is tagged in, but Dana punches her down. Charlotte tags in, and they double stomp Bayley. Bayley quickly puts Charlotte into the corner and bounces her head off the turnbuckle. Dana gets on the ropes to yell, but Bayley sends Charlotte into her. Dana runs in, and Bayley throws her out of the ring.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Bayley fight up, but Charlotte pulls her down by the hair. Charlotte taunts the crowd before attacking the back. Dana tags in, and they double stomp Bayley. Dana connects with a snapmare and a handstand elbow for a two count. Charlotte tags in and connects with a snapmare before applying a surfboard stretch. Bayley gets out and goes for a tag, but Charlotte stops her and floors her with a forearm for a two count. Charlotte puts her in the corner and chops her down before letting out a big “WOO.” Bayley comes back with an elbow and a springboard arm drag followed by a clothesline for a two count.
Sasha tags in, and they hit Charlotte with a double-team suplex for a two count. Sasha chops the chest before connecting with a climbing arm drag. Charlotte sidesteps her and kicks her in the ribs before sending her into the corner. Charlotte knees away at her for a two count. Dana tags in and picks up a two count. Dana hits another handstand elbow and clubs away at the injured back. A light “You can’t wrestle” chant is directed at Dana. Charlotte tags in and stretches Sasha around the ring post. Dana tags in and slams her off the mat. Charlotte tags back in and knees her in the back before chopping the chest. Charlotte knees Sasha in the back and applies another surfboard stretch. Sasha knees her in the face and connects with a head-scissor takeover. Charlotte quickly stops her from making the tag and goes for the Figure Eight, but Sasha kicks her out of the ring.
Bayley is tagged in, and she connects with a trio of hammer throws before knocking Dana off the apron. Bayley shoulders Charlotte in the back before elbowing her down. Bayley avalanches her in the corner before going to the second rope for a springboard back elbow. Bayley goes for the Bayley-To-Belly, but Dana holds Charlotte’s ankle. Sasha takes Dana out at ringside. Charlotte big boots Bayley for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Charlotte and Dana Brooke

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