Monday 12 September 2016

Raw General Manager Mick Foley addressed the Raw Women’s Championship

No. 1 contender to the Raw Women’s Championship

Foley still believes they have the best women's action in WWE and brings out the RAW Women's Champion. Out comes Charlotte and Dana Brooke. We see what happened last week and this leads to Charlotte running Dana down. Charlotte says the loss to Bayley last week was all Dana's fault. She says Dana also made a fool of herself last week when she tapped to Sasha Banks. Charlotte tells Dana to apologize or their friendship and her mentorship is over. Dana says she's sorry and Charlotte agrees. Foley didn't call them out for their own drama, he wants to talk about Clash of Champions. The music
interrupts and out comesSasha Banks to interrupt.
Sasha says she's the face of the division and the one who will take the title back in two weeks. There appears to be some confusion or awkward silence but out comes Bayley to interrupt. Bayley would love to see Sasha wrestle for the title but maybe she's the one who deserves a title shot after her win last week. Sasha says they go way back to WWE NXT and Bayley had her back at Battleground but when it comes to the title, she has no friends. Sasha goes on and tells Bayley to get to the back of the line. Charlotte interrupts them and has words with Sasha. Sasha is ready to fight. Charlotte reminds everyone that she's the only champion in the ring. Foley says Sasha was supposed to get her rematch at Clash but now he's having second thoughts. More mic work from Charlotte. Dana proposes a Best of 7 Series. Charlotte threatens to slap the taste out of her mouth if she speaks again tonight. Dana doesn't look happy. Foley announces Sasha vs. Bayley for tonight with the winner facing Charlotte at Clash. Dana slaps Charlotte out of nowhere. A "yes!" chant breaks out. Foley puts Dana in the match, making it a Triple Threat. That match is next. Foley's music hits as Charlotte and Dana have words. Charlotte leaves the ring holding her face as we go to commercial.

Triple Threat for the #1 Contendership: Dana Brooke vs. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley
Back from the break and Charlotte is on commentary. Dana gets the upperhand early on but Sasha turns it around in the corner with kicks. Bayley is down on the floor after a kick from Dana. Sasha works Dana over and covers for a 2 count. Sasha gets dumped on the floor and lands hard. Bayley runs in and rolls Dana up for 2. Bayley goes to work on Dana now.
Bayley takes control and keeps Dana grounded now. Sasha comes back in and they take Dana out, sending her to the floor. Sasha and Bayley face off in the ring as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Dana is in control of Bayley. Sasha comes back in and takes over, unloading on Dana. Sasha ends up hitting the double knees in the corner on Dana as Bayley rolls out of the way. Sasha with a 2 count on Dana. Bayley hits a crossbody from the top to Sasha for a 2 count as Dana breaks the pin. Dana with a double clothesline. Dana covers for 2 counts on both opponents.
More back and forth with all three now. Sasha sells the back injury and has her back taped up. Sasha unloads on Dana. Sasha catches a kick and kicks Dana in the face. Dana blocks the Backstabber. More back and forth. Sasha hits the Backstabber and applies the Banks Statement but Bayley breaks it. Bayley with the Bayley-to-Belly on Dana but Sasha breaks the pin. Sasha pins Bayley for the win, keeping her singles match at Clash of Champions.
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