Tuesday 20 September 2016

WWE RAW : Chris Jericho, The Shining Stars, and Gallows and Anderson vs. Enzo and Big Cass, The New Day, and Sami Zayn

Xavier Woods will be at ringside for The New Day. The bell rings, and Chris Jericho will start the match against Kofi Kingston. They lock up, and Jericho applies a side headlock. Kingston whips him off and shoulder blocks him down before taunting the crowd. Jericho hits the ropes, and Kingston takes him down with a leaping back elbow. Kingston quickly takes him down with a cross-body block for a two count. Jericho escapes when Sami Zayn tags in and tags in Epico. Zayn connects with a trio of arm drags and transitions to an arm bar. Big E is tagged in, and he applies an abdominal stretch on Epico. Big E rhythmically spanks Epico’s derrière before tagging Kingston in. Big E shoulders him and lets Kingston jump off his back with an avalanche. Big E then clotheslines Epico. Kingston picks up a two count. Kingston wrenches the arm, but he has a whip reversed. Luke Gallows clotheslines him down while the referee is turned. Gallows is tagged in, and he punches Kingston down. Anderson gives him a scoop slam and drops a knee for a two count. Anderson applies a chin lock, but Kingston fights up. Anderson quickly takes him down with a spinebuster for a near fall. Anderson knocks Big E off the apron and tags in Primo. Primo punches him before sending him to the corner for a monkey flip, but Kingston lands on his feet and tags in Big Cass.
Big Cass shoulders Primo down before knocking his teammates off the apron. Cass gives him a fall-away slam followed by a running splash in the corner. Cass body slams him and drops the Empire Elbow, but Epico breaks it up. Enzo punches away at him before charging. Epico throws him over the top rope, and Enzo lands awkwardly on his leg. The ring is slowly being cleared of the competitors. This allows Big E to leapfrog Kingston into a plancha on Gallows and Anderson. Jericho knocks Big E out of the ring. Zayn runs in, and they slug it out. Zayn chops the chest and climbs the ropes for a tornado DDT. Zayn catches Epico with a Helluva Kick. Jericho runs away. Enzo tags in, and he hits the Bada Boom Shakalaka with Cass for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Enzo and Big Cass, The New Day, and Sami Zayn

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