Thursday 29 September 2016

WWE Smackdown Live: WWE World Championship Match AJ Styles (c) vs. Dean Ambrose

We get ring introductions for the challenger Dean Ambrose and champion AJ Styles.
Ambrose with a takedown and right hands early on Styles. Ambrose with chops to Styles in the corner. Styles fires back with a kick to the face. Ambrose clotheslines Styles over the top rope. Ambrose tosses Styles on the announce table right in front of John Cena. Ambrose throws some big right hands and returns to the ring and Styles slides off.
We return live as Styles has a headlock on Ambrose keeping him grounded. Styles and Ambrose connect with a double clothesline in the middle of the ring. Ambrose with shots on Styles. Ambrose levels with Styles with a clothesline off the ropes. Styles catches Ambrose with a boot. Ambrose catches Styles leaping off the corner and connects with a backbreaker for a two count. Ambrose counters a Calf Crusher attempt by Styles and gets a Texas Cloverleaf submission applied. Styles pulls himself and gets to the bottom rope. Styles with a jawbreaker on Ambrose off the top rope. Ambrose then catches Styles with a forearm sending him flying to the ring barricade. Ambrose with a suicide dive catching Styles on the outside. Ambrose tosses Styles back in and Styles rolls back out. Ambrose goes up to the top turnbuckle, jumps and takes out Styles at ringside with a flying elbow.
As we return live we see Styles working over the left knee/leg of Ambrose. During the break we see Styles drove the left knee of Ambrose into the mat. Styles gets the Calf Crusher applied on Ambrose. Ambrose finds a way to escape. Styles goes for a Styles Clash and Ambrose counters with a back body drop. Styles avoids Dirty Deeds, throws body shots and Ambrose with a swinging neckbreaker. Styles and Ambrose exchange shots. Ambrose gets the better of Styles with elbows. Styles now gets the better of Ambrose with body kicks. Styles with a jumping forearm, avoids a lariat from Ambrose and Ambrose takes the back of Styles driving him down in a front facebuster for a two count. Ambrose props Styles up on the top turnbuckle. Styles slides out, trips up Ambrose, gets Ambrose up on his shoulders in a torture rack and spins him off his shoulders into a powerbomb for a two count. Styles with a kick to the head of Ambrose and yells out “you’re next” at Cena. Ambrose crotches Styles up on the top rope, gets up on the second rope and catches Styles with a clothesline! Styles hangs on to the ropes and connects with a Pele Kick to Ambrose. Styles drags Ambrose out, gets on the ring apron, springboards up and misses a 450 splash attempt. Ambrose is now going up top, jumps and connects with a flying elbow over Styles. Styles kicks out. Ambrose with a right hand that sends Styles out of the ring. Ambrose launches himself over the top rope, Styles moves and then connects with a running high knee. Styles sends Ambrose in the ring and then gets in a cheap shot on Cena at ringside. Styles springboards off the ropes, Ambrose moves, Cena is up on the ring apron, Ambrose has a roll up, the referee is distracted, Cena jumps off, the referee counts the pinfall and Styles kicks out. Ambrose jumps out and gets in a quick shot on Cena on the outside. Ambrose is back inside the ring and Styles rolls himup to get the pinfall.

Winner and still WWE World Champion: AJ Styles

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