Tuesday 20 September 2016

WWE Raw: Steel Cage Match- Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens

The bell rings and both men stare at each other. Owens talks a little trash and starts circling the ring. Owens immediately goes for the door, but Reigns pulls him back and punches him. Owens ducks a clothesline and tries to run out, but Reigns pulls him back. Reigns pulls Owens down as he tries to climb the cage and punches him. Reigns bounces him off the turnbuckle. Owens kicks him back, but Reigns floors him with a right hand. Reigns sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Reigns comes back with two clotheslines before connecting with a leaping clothesline. Reigns punches him against the ropes before sending him to the corner. Reigns hits a corner clothesline before hitting the ropes. Owens sends Reigns headfirst into the cage and superkicks him down for a two count.
We come back from the break to see both men holding the top of the cage while standing on the top rope. They punch it out before Owens rakes the eyes, which causes Reigns to fall to the mat. Reigns then pulls Owens’ legs out, and he’s crotched on the top rope. Reigns hits the ropes and avalanches him against the wall three times. Owens falls into the ring and eats a big boot from Reigns. Reigns sets up for a Superman Punch, but Owens runs for the door again. Reigns pulls him away, and Owens punches him. Reigns quickly comes back with a Samoan Drop for a near fall.
Reigns talks a little trash to Owens before doing the clubbing blows in the corner. Reigns hits the ropes, but Owens avoids a big boot and connects with a German Suplex. Owens then squashes him with a cannonball. Owens tries to leave through the door, but Reigns grabs his ankle. Owens kicks him off and goes for a senton splash, but Reigns gets the knees up. Reigns goes for the door, but Owens holds on. Reigns punches him off, and they begin to trade punches. Reigns comes out on top in this exchange before Owens knees him in the midsection. Owens sends him into the ropes, but Reigns holds on and elbows him. They trade more punches before getting into a hockey fight. Owens knees him in the midsection and superkicks him. Owens goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Reigns counters with a Superman Punch for a near fall. Michael Cole simply says, “What a sequence.” Reigns sets up in the corner, but Owens kicks him in the face as he goes for a Spear. Reigns wildly screams and runs into a Pop-up Powerbomb for a near fall! Owens cannot believe it!
Owens begins to climb the cage and is nearly out. Reigns grabs his leg at the last moment and pulls Owens back to the top rope. Owens bounces him off the cage a few times while talking trash. Reigns stumbles to the top turnbuckle before leaping off with a Superman Punch that floors Owens! Owens goes to leave through the door while Reigns climbs over the cage. Reigns hits the floor moments before Owens does.
Winner via Escaping the Cage: Roman Reigns
Rusev quickly tries to attack Reigns with a steel chain, but Reigns avoids it and punches him around ringside. Reigns stomps him down before Owens kicks the door of the cage into Reigns’ face! Owens screams at Rusev, “Matchka something!” Rusev puts Reigns in the ring and grabs the chain he brought down to the ring. Rusev gets in the ring and chains the door shut! Owens stands over Reigns and punches away at him as this happens. Rusev locks the door and starts to wildly punch away at Reigns. Rusev stomps the spine and applies the Accolade.
Seth Rollins’ music hits, and he comes out to a big reception. Rollins climbs the cage and punches Owens away. Rusev tries to prevent him from coming in, but Rollins punches him down. Rollins stands on top of the cage and takes out both Rusev and Owens with a cross-body block! Rollins grabs his ribs and looks furiously at Owens as the show comes to an end.
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