Wednesday 28 September 2016

WWE Monday Night Raw :Nick Cutler and Willis Williams vs. Cesaro and Sheamus

Cesaro will start the match against Nick Cutler. Cesaro gives Cutler a delayed vertical suplex and taunts Sheamus about his power. Cesaro goes for a tag, but Sheamus gets off the apron and laughs at him. Cesaro scoop slams Cutler and slaps Sheamus on the back to tag him in. They argue before Sheamus sends Cutler to the apron. Sheamus then gives him the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Sheamus powers him into the ring. Cutler tags in Willis Williams. Sheamus boots him in the midsection before clotheslining him down. Cesaro tags himself in and uppercuts Williams. A “Let’s go jobbers” chant breaks out. Williams snaps Cesaro’s injured arm off the top rope. Cutler is tagged in, and he comes off the second rope with a club to the shoulder. They tag in and out while concentrating on Cesaro’s arm. Cesaro finally uppercuts Cutler down and sends Williams out of the ring. Cesaro goes for a Neutralizer on Cutler, but Sheamus comes in the ring and gives Williams a Brogue Kick. Cesaro lets Cutler go, so Sheamus drops him with a Brogue Kick for good measure. Cesaro just looks around and simply pins Cutler for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: Cesaro and Sheamus

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