Tuesday 20 September 2016

WWE Monday Night Raw :-- Mick Foley, Stephanie , Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens And Seth Rollins

A video highlights what happened last week on RAW. Kevin Owens faced Roman Reigns in the main event. If Reigns won, he’d be entered into the WWE Universal Championship match at Clash of Champions. Before the match, Mick Foley warned Seth Rollins to not interfere. Rollins did, and Foley said he’d be having a talk with him. Reigns eventually lost the match after Rusev interfered. Rusev then viciously attacked him after the conclusion.
We go into the arena to hear Roman Reigns’ music, and the Memphis crowd immediately starts booing him. Reigns makes his way to the ring looking none too pleased. Reigns stands in the ring with a scowl on his face as the crowd continues to boo him. Reigns is seething with anger. Reigns starts to talk…
…Until he’s interrupted by RAW Commissioner, Stephanie McMahon. She says she knows Reigns wants to carve his own personal path of destruction, but she has a show to run. She’s been discussing this issue with Mick Foley all week long.
Mick Foley’s music hits, and he makes his way to the ring in a cheetah print shirt. A “Foley” chant breaks out, and Stephanie leads the crowd along with it. Foley says they came up with a solution that was his own doing. Last week, Stephanie was in Singapore and the show got away from him. That was on him. Foley thinks he didn’t make himself clear that he didn’t want outside interference dictating the conclusion of the main event. Tonight, he’ll take the two perpetrators, Seth Rollins and Rusev, and pit them against each other in a match. Reigns says that’s great, but what’s that do for him? Three weeks ago, Stephanie’s husband, Triple H, screwed him over. Last week, Rusev did the same. Reigns knows he’ll never see her coward husband again, but he knows Rusev is back there. Foley tells him to wait six days. Reigns will get his hands on Rusev at Clash of Champions for the United States Championship. Stephanie personally guarantees that will happen. Reigns sarcastically thanks her for the guarantee.
Foley says Reigns has no reason not to believe her. Stephanie has been upfront about her personal dislike of Reigns. Stephanie is the only reason he’s standing in the ring. It personally offends him that WWE Superstars are not taking him at his word. Superstars are deciding matches in ways other than inside the ring. Foley watch Reigns and Kevin Owens give it their all, and Foley was wondering how the WWE Universe could boo Reigns. The truth is they’re all part of the RAW family. They’re engaged in a fight for their survival against Smackdown Live. If it doesn’t go well, Stephanie will land on her feet, but he’ll be on his couch and disappear. Stephanie says that’s not true, but Foley says it is. Foley has disappeared from the company for years at a time, but he’s had a major run of great luck. Foley is in favor with everyone and has a reality show on the WWE Network, but if they lose the ratings war, that’s out the window. In the end, all he has is his word. Stephanie says she’s proud to have Foley as the General Manager and asks what he will do. Foley says he’s signing Reigns to face Kevin Owens again tonight! Stephanie looks like she doesn’t like the decision.
Kevin Owens’ music hits, and the WWE Universal Champion comes out to the stage. Owens says this has to be a joke and Foley is preparing his next bit of standup material. Owens beat Reigns twice last week and should be preparing to defend his WWE Universal Championship against Seth Rollins on Sunday. Owens rubs it in to Reigns that he is in the main event at Clash of Champions, not him. Owens asks Stephanie what she thinks. Stephanie reluctantly says what Foley says goes, so he’ll have to compete in a rematch against Reigns, but it will not be for the WWE Universal Championship. Foley says that’s fair, but that non-title match will take place inside a Steel Cage, right here in Memphis, Tennessee. A “YES” chant fires up. Foley says now that we know what the main event is, let’s start the show! Have a nice day!
Seth Rollins’ music hits, and he walks right by his opponent for this Sunday. Rollins will face Rusev, next.
-Commercial Break-
Stephanie McMahon is backstage with Mick Foley questioning the decision to make the Cage Match. Rusev angrily walks up to Foley that Roman Reigns has another shot at his title. Foley says he’s getting what he deserves. Rusev says Foley ruined his wife’s special night since her movie is debuting tomorrow. Rusev says Foley is jealous of the Rusev Family because the “Holy Foley” family hates one another. Foley says that doesn’t change the fact that he has a match against Rollins tonight and one on Reigns on Sunday. Rusev walks off. Foley congratulates Lana, but Rusev yells at him not to congratulate them. Foley then takes out his cell phone and answers a call from Chris Jericho.

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