Wednesday 21 September 2016

WWE Smackdown Live : No. 1 Contendership Match The Usos vs. American Alpha

We start with Chad Gable and Jimmy Uso. Gable with a big take down on Jimmy early. Gable with a takedown on Jey who jumps in. Gable with a quick suplex on Jimmy for a two count. Gable goes to work on the left leg of Jimmy and tags in Jason Jordan. Jordan drops a knee to the knee of Jimmy. We see a shot of Smackdown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno watching the match from the back. Gable tags himself in as Alpha both work over the legs of Jimmy. Double dropkicks on both Usos clearing house. Gable with forearms to the Usos on the ring apron. Jey hangs up the left leg/knee of Gable in the ropes. Jimmy with a jumping kick to the knee of Gable. Gable falls out screaming in pain.

We return live as Jimmy drops a leg over Gable for a two count. Jimmy is working over the bad left knee of Gable. During the break we see Jimmy giving Gable a suplex into the ropes. Tag to Jey and Gable throws a big elbow knocking him off the ring apron. Gable sends Jimmy flying over the top rope. Gable is crawling for a hot tag to Jordan. Jey cuts it off. Gable gets back up and gets a tag to Jordan. Jordan with right hands to Jey along with a press slam. Jordan with a huge overhead release belly-to-belly on Jimmy. Jordan hits another on Jey. Jordan with a spear in the corner on both Usos. Jordan with a quick suplex on Jey for a two count. Jey with headbutts to Jordan in the corner. Tag to Jimmy. Jey with a superkick and Jimmy off the top with a splash. Jimmy hooks the leg and Gable breaks it up. Jey dumps Gable out of the ring through the ropes. Jordan with an overhead suplex on Jey blocking a superkick. Jimmy with a superkick on Jordan. Jordan bounces off the ropes and connects with a jumping clothesline. Jordan is crawling to make a tag. Gable pulls himself up to the corner. Gable’s knee gives out. Jordan says he has this. Jordan with a shot on Jey, roll up on Jimmy and gets a two count. Jimmy with a superkick to Jordan. Tag to Jey who chop blocks the knee of Gable. Double superkick by The Usos. Jey is going up to the top turnbuckle and comes down over Jordan connecting with a splash to get the pinfall.

Winners and new No. 1 Contenders: The Usos

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