Thursday 22 September 2016

Raw Tag Team Champions The New Day vs. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson (25 Sept)

Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson won’t be satisfied with merely ending the Raw Tag Team Championship reign of The New Day at WWE Clash of Champions. If the bruisers-in-black have their way, Big E, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods will be forced into early retirement, never to be heard from again, after their match against Gallows & Anderson on Sunday, Sept. 25.
Having already dealt one painful sendoff to The Dudley Boyz, Gallows & Anderson now threaten to end more careers and turn The New Day into “The Old Day.”
The Club members injured Big E once before, taking him out with the first case of “ringpostitis,” a memory that is still fresh in the big man’s mind. But even though The New Day have fallen prey to Gallows & Anderson’s attacks, the champions remain as confident and irreverent as ever, ready to push further into year two as Raw’s top tag team.

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