Wednesday 28 September 2016

WWE Clash Of Champions 2016: Best of 7 Series – Match #7 Sheamus vs. Cesaro

Sheamus (3-3) vs. Cesaro (3-3)
The bell rings, and Sheamus immediately starts punching Cesaro. Sheamus sends him into the ropes, but Cesaro kicks him in the face and dropkicks him down before sending him out of the ring. Sheamus shoulders him in the midsection and clubs him in the back. Sheamus clubs the chest and head-butts him. Cesaro then uppercuts him to the floor. Cesaro goes outside and tries for a running uppercut, but Sheamus sends him to the apron. Cesaro then takes him out with a sit-out senton. Cesaro connects with a running uppercut and puts him in the ring. Cesaro goes to the top rope, but Sheamus crotches him on the ropes for a one count. Sheamus connects with a release suplex and comes off the second rope with a knee drop. Sheamus clubs him in the corner and chops the chest. Sheamus connects with a backbreaker, which Michael Cole incorrectly calls an Irish Curse. Sheamus hits a second backbreaker before applying a chin lock. Sheamus fights out and uppercuts him. Sheamus reverses a whip to the corner and throws his body at Cesaro. Sheamus comes off the top rope with a clothesline for a two count. Sheamus sets up for the Celtic Cross, but Cesaro counters into a roll-up for a two count. Sheamus quickly comes back with a powerslam for a two count. Sheamus digs Cesaro’s head into the turnbuckle and uppercuts him. Cesaro punches him back, but Sheamus overpowers him. Cesaro quickly sends him shoulder-first into the ring post and uppercuts him in the back of the head. Cesaro pulls himself up and sends him to the corner. Cesaro starts the uppercut train before hitting a tornado DDT for a near fall.
Cesaro tries for the Cesaro Swing, but Sheamus kicks him away. Cesaro quickly gets him in the ropes and connects with the 619. Cesaro stands on the top rope and connects with a cross-body block for a two count. Cesaro tries for the Neutralizer, but Sheamus gives him a back body drop. Cesaro lands on his feet, ducks a clothesline, and connects with a springboard spinning uppercut for a two count. Cesaro signals for the swing, but Sheamus gets out and rolls him up with the tights for a near fall. Sheamus immediately follows up with the Irish Curse Backbreaker for a near fall. Sheamus connects with two more Irish Curses for another near fall. Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf and kicks away at the back as he turns him over. Cesaro tries to claw to the bottom rope, but Sheamus pulls him away. Cesaro comes back with an inside cradle for a two count. Sheamus quickly comes back with a Celtic Cross into a backbreaker for a near fall! Sheamus cannot believe he kicked out. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but Cesaro counters into a roll-up for a two count. Cesaro quickly follows up with the Cesaro Swing and immediately transitions into the Sharpshooter. Sheamus screams in agony, but he reaches the bottom rope to break the hold. Sheamus gets on the apron to recover. Cesaro goes to the second rope and tries for a deadlift superplex, but his back gives out. Sheamus goes for White Noise on the apron, but Cesaro fights out and big boots him to the floor. Cesaro then gives him a suicide dive and lands directly on his face! Cesaro is so lucky to not be paralyzed.

Sheamus gets him in the ring and connects with a Brogue Kick for a near fall. Cesaro really looks like he’s completely out of it. Sheamus knees away at him, but Cesaro comes back with some boots and a Neutralizer for a near fall. I’m absolutely floored that Cesaro is even still wrestling. A “This is awesome” chant fires up. Sheamus punches him from his knees and dares him to come back. Cesaro fires back with some uppercuts and backs up before running into a pair of boots. Sheamus pulls himself to the top rope, but Cesaro dropkicks him to the apron. Cesaro pulls him up to the middle rope and goes for a superplex to the floor. Sheamus clubs him off to the floor and goes for a diving clothesline, but Cesaro uppercuts him out of mid-air! Cesaro charges for a running uppercut, but Sheamus counters with White Noise on the floor! Sheamus takes some time to get up, and Cesaro comes back by desperately sending him into the ring post and clotheslining him over the barricade. Trainers come out and delay the match to check on both men. The referee discusses with the trainers and calls for the bell.

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